Career Pathways Chats

Drop-in sessions during February half-term

Tuesday 14th 1-3pm

Wednesday 15th 1-3pm

Thursday 16th 4-6pm


This is open to any young person 11-18 living in East Leeds looking for some advice about careers and opportunities in education and beyond. Whether looking at the arts, media, music, radio or just generally wondering what options are available.


These friendly sessions will be led by our staff, usually taking 15-20 minutes each (but we can arrange for longer conversations). We’re happy to hear your thoughts, hopes and concerns and we’ll offer some suggestions or advice. Parents/guardians are welcome to also attend.


Either drop-in or register below – you can suggest a time that suits you.


If you’re over 18, don’t worry, we’re always happy to help, send an email to to arrange another time to have a meeting.

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