Leeds Conservatoire: Radio & Podcasts
Students from Leeds Conservatoire come together to create podcasts & live radio.
Our radio schedule works on a week 2 & week 4 basis. Week two begins on the second Tuesday of each month.
Have a look through all of our shows. You can filter the results to find the kind of shows you are particularly interested in.
Students from Leeds Conservatoire come together to create podcasts & live radio.
Our radio schedule works on a week 2 & week 4 basis. Week two begins on the second Tuesday of each month.
A place for all things LEA...
Stories about projects and cultural connections between Leeds and its twinned and partner cities around the world.
Host Owen Spafford and Des Hurley from the Irish Arts Foundation in Leeds showcase the rich history of Irish music in Leeds and the wider world, featuring oral history interviews and exclusive music performances.
What makes writers from our corner of the world here in Leeds, Yorkshire in the north of England unique and delightful? Scroll down to listen to the Leeds Lit Fest podcast.
The Leeds/Dortmund 50 Festival featured more than two dozen events celebrating 50 years of the two cities being twinned.
Airs Fridays at 4pm on week 2 of the month.
John Toolan shows off his selection of left field jazz for the ultimate alternative Tuesday evening. Music with substance and style.
Our radio schedule works on a week 2 & week 4 basis. Week two begins on the second Tuesday of each month.
A selection of live performances and events from our stunning radio theatre, including Friday Night Live
Here's a collection of the "Living Room Concerts" recorded by musicians from around Leeds and beyond during the spring 2020 coronavirus quarantine. Curated by Chapel FM Community Music Worker Sian Ashby.
LOUDSPEAKER is a Leeds based Spoken Word radio show co-hosted by Sarah Autumn and D3. The show explores the topics of our times through Spoken Word whilst showcasing talent from Leeds and Yorkshire.
Each year a team of our young people cover the events of the Love Arts festival, a celebration of creativity and mental well-being across Leeds
Airs every Tuesday at 4pm.
Peter Spafford presents his love of all things wordy in his weekly shows chatting to novelists, poets and play-wrights.
You ever wonder what happened to that TV Show, Piece of Music, Band, Movie? Are you sure it was even real? Come join The Chapel FM Techies as they try to get to the bottom of these mysteries and so much more. In this monthly show "Missing Media" as we try and uncover and report on all the lost media they can get there hands on, often with a local Leeds/East Leeds angle.
Jazmine Ella Blackah brings you a selection of tracks from bands past and present
Music. Leeds. Us. is a celebration of the best music our fair city has to offer, featuring live sessions, in depth interviews and amazing new music from local artists
24 hours of music.
All Live, All Local...NON-STOP!
The 11th annual Chapel FM Musicathon will take place on 12/13th December 2020
Our unique 24-hour music festival, live in the Seacroft Village Green and from our studios in Chapel FM Arts Centre.
Our Next Generation courses offer young people the opportunity to explore music, broadcasting, creative writing and theatre. You can find out what they've been up to here
No Bystanders is a project through which young people explore a range of topics and issues that affect them and the wider community. Opening minds and hearts is what we are all about!
Previously known for tunes and songs that feature the ukulele, the Cameron Collective now bring you music that features a different instrument every month with Not The Ukulele Show.
Original Drum & Bass mixes brought to you by Monty
Chapel FM opens its doors to the general public to showcase what's been going on at the centre
For all the times that ELFM ventures out of the Chapel...
Each Friday during the coronavirus lockdown the young people from the Chapel FM's Next Generation youth groups take over the airwaves with stories, music, interviews and more.
To learn more about our Next Generation and other youth groups in Broadcasting, Music, Theatre, Writing and more, scroll down.
Airs Sundays at 3pm on Week 4.
We discuss queer culture & being apart of the LGBTQ+ community.
Our radio schedule works on a week 2 & week 4 basis. Week two begins on the second Tuesday of each month.
Co-created by TheatreState and Tess Seddon, whose unlikely journey into politics in 2017 inspired new musical Say Yes to Tess, 'Politics Could Never' is a playful 5-part podcast series by a bunch of 6 teenagers from Seacroft in Leeds, who are on a journey to understanding the behind-the-scenes of UK politics. Join Peace, Cheryl, Nicole, Kiyarah, Arthur & Hannah as they try to find out why young people are not involved in the decisions that affect them most - with plenty of laughs, hurdles, blunders and discoveries along the way!
Airs Tuesdays at 3pm Week 2.
Join us as we navigate womenhood, delving into the past, present & future of issues that matter us.
Disclaimer: Although we talk a lot about women's issues, we include absolutely anyone in these conversations, no matter how you identify.
Our radio schedule works on a week 2 & week 4 basis. Week two begins on the second Tuesday of each month.
When Josie Bevan’s husband was jailed for nine years, a window opened on to a whole new world. East Leeds FM radio is pleased to share this new series that speaks to our time created by Falling Tree Productions.
Puermusic is a shows that aim is to provide a platform for unsigned and new music artists local to Leeds. Following young artists trying to make it in the music industry and discussing the possible difficulties they may encounter along the way.
A shabby, lawless shanty town. A shonky profit-skimmer. Drinking, violence, debauchery. Two fearsome B&B landladies straddle the wild west on the moors of Yorkshire. The Queens of Dawson City.