Seacroft Green Celebration!
Thu 2nd Jun '22, 11:00am
Live from Seacroft Green!
For all the times that ELFM ventures out of the Chapel...
When the weather allows us!
When: Show schedule currently unknown
Thu 2nd Jun '22, 11:00am
Live from Seacroft Green!
Sat 19th Dec '20, 1:00pm
Linda Sage presents the 4th annual Seacroft Grange residents' requests
Sat 24th Oct '20, 1:00pm
Linda Sage presents the 3rd annual Seacroft Grange residents' requests
Sat 7th Mar '20, 1:00pm
The former Newsnight presenter Gavin Esler talks about his frank guide to the most momentous change in British life for decades,
Sat 15th Feb '20, 2:30pm
During the summer Chapel FM will have a stall in Kirkgate Market as part of this we had a test on Saturday 15th Feb with a few test broadcasts, these are some of the highlights
Sat 15th Feb '20, 2:00pm
Using short music tracks, Terry Buchan and Roger Godden look at what makes a song, how do we go about writing them (and why), and how do we get them performed.