Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
New and established writers published by the fabulous and local Yaffle Press read work fresh from the oven.
Have a look through all of our events (please note this includes our past events). You can filter the results to find the kind of events you are particularly interested in.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
New and established writers published by the fabulous and local Yaffle Press read work fresh from the oven.
Tue 4th June, 12:15am
Ian Harker, William Thirsk-Gaskill and Joe Williams take us on a whirlwind poetry tour of Leeds.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
Writers from the vibrant Sunday Wordship workshop with Gill Lambert and Mark Connors read work generated from earlier in the day.
Tue 4th June, 3:50pm
Theatre, poetry, music: Arts at the Arms, returning in triumph to Chapel FM, hosts an evening of original performance by local creatives.
Tue 4th June, 6:01pm
Musicians from Mexico, Zimbabwe and the UK with words and music celebrating sense of place
Tue 4th June, 3:11pm
Window into the rich and varied lives of Leeds’ older community, presented by members of The Performance Ensemble.
Tue 4th June, 3:16pm
Shotgun and blood-spattered pinny: Irene Lofthouse remembers her Mam, Bradford housewife.
Tue 4th June, 3:53pm
Jerusalem, as in City and the Blake poem, mapped in words and music by playwright David Napthine and friends.
Tue 4th June, 6:30pm
A chance to put skills learned in the Home on Stage workshop into action for an in-house and radio audience.
Tue 4th June, 4:01pm
Learn how to feel more comfortable on stage, with poet/performer Caitlin McKenna: microphones, hosting, audience engagement.
Tue 4th June, 4:25pm
Queer House Party showcases the best queer poetic talent, proving that through poetry everyone has a home.
Tue 4th June, 12:58am
Poppy Jennings and Jack Collins chat poetry with Leeds writers about home comforts and an ever-changing city.
Tue 4th June, 3:33pm
Moving performance of Seni Seneviratne’s poems inspired by her father who served as a radio operator in World War Two.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
Chapel FM Director Tony Macaluso in conversation with Jeremy Poynting, Founder of Peepal Tree Press
Wed 23rd November - Sun 27th November
Writing On Air is back! Writing On Air is a literature festival on the radio. Now in its 8th year, all programmes are conceived and created by upwards of 200 writers, readers, and performers from across Leeds and West Yorkshire, supported by the Chapel FM team.
Tue 4th June, 8:19am
Come down to the Chapel for a one off special event. A mystery film showing with live audience interaction.
Tue 4th June, 7:34am
Explore the art of interviewing and telling stories with sound for podcasts, radio, and sound art with acclaimed BBC World Service producer.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
Regular Chapel FM Techie volunteer and Open Mic legend Duncan, brings you an explosive night of live music and performances.
Sun 6th November, 2:30pm
In partnership with Shine Magazine & Age UK Leeds, Chapel FM's older people's broadcasters present their first Care 2 Air radio show with a LIVE audience. Expect chat, stories, interviews, live music & cake!
Tue 4th June, 8:02am
Leyla Josephine, Scottish poet, theatre maker, and screenwriter, comes to Chapel FM as part of her autumn 2022 national tour.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
As a curtain raiser to her set at Chapel FM in the evening, join poet Leyla Josephine to challenge your relationship to failure.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
Prepare for a spook, Prepare for a fright. Come down to the last ever? Open Mic Night...
Tue 4th June, 8:28am
Climate Action Seacroft (along with all our We Are Seacroft pals) are delighted to announce our second Community Climate Forum on the 22nd October, 5 PM, Chapel FM Arts Centre.
Mon 3rd June, 9:15pm
Created by young people and for young people, the Blue Owl open mic is open to everyone 25 and under!
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
Featuring local performer Jaimes Lewis Moran and the amazing Ullalele, a progressive ukulele rock quartet Steamplunk group.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
Women & Children Killers are in the minority, but that is what makes them even more heinous and offensive.
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
Participants on the UNION course at Chapel FM this weekend will be sharing some of their recent creative work.
Tue 4th June, 8:45am
Chapel FM's Next Generation youth artists and broadcasters present an evening of soundscapes, songs, spoken word and stories on the theme of Home From Home
Fri 22nd July - Sun 24th July
Come visit Chapel FM or tune in to East Leeds FM for the first stage in our epic radio + performance project...
Mon 3rd June, 2:11am
A unique opportunity to explore the story of one Irish ballad and celebrate its living oral tradition.