The Chapel FM Musicathon is a 24h of live non stop music marathon involving over 45 acts and over 200 performers all giving up there time and sometimes sanity for those playing at 3am to make it happen.

Chapel FM has put on the annual Musicathon event every year for the past 11 years, yes even last year in lockdown and we have no plans in stopping this tradition anytime soon with its 12th annual Musicathon happening this year, starting on Sat Dec 11th at 3pm and running till Sun Dec 12th at 3pm. 

Unlike last year, this years event will be back in our lovely newly expanded arts centre meaning we will have lots of coffee, cake and mulled wine to go around for performers and audience alike. This also means we will be not only be able to stream the audio on the website but offer live video streams of all the performance for the full 24h event.

As part of this event we love having new and returning performers so if this sounds like something you are interested in please get in touch with Elliott Moon who is organising the event at: and he will get back to you about what we can offer you and what slots are available for the event.

Its going to be great to see you all in person this year and a great final event to close out 2021 for Chapel FM



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