Are you a participant of one of the courses at ChapelFM or a young listener to ELFM and 16-18 years old? In that case, I would like to invite you and your friends to take part in a research project about your experiences of living in East Leeds!
My name is Anna and I am a student at the University of Leeds. I also volunteer with ChapelFM. I would like to know how young people in Leeds feel about the neighbourhoods/communities they live in. If you decide to take part you will be responsible for your own short ‘research project’.
Your identity will be kept anonymous at all times and you have the right to withdraw at any time. Your research will go towards my end of year dissertation and help draw attention to the issues facing your area.
The project is not about the Lockdown but about your perceptions on your neighbourhood in general. I am happy to receive any questions or concerns you may have about me or the project! Just shoot me a message and I am very happy to have a chat with you or write you a message containing all information.
I am looking forward to everyone who wants to take part in the project!