A vital new documentary about the great photographer, Tish Murtha, who is only now starting to get the recognition she deserves as one of the most important British artists of her generation.
When & where
- DateSaturday 4th Nov '23
- Time7:00pm to 8:30pm
- WhereChapel FM Arts Centre Map
This event has finished so tickets are no longer available.
Accessibility criteria*
- Accessible car-parking
- Induction Loop available
- Wheelchair access
* Other Access Details available on request
Tickets Available via Leeds Film Festival Website
Tish grew up in the vibrant working class communities of the Northeast and captured this in images like no-one else, particularly committed to documenting the impact of Thatcherism and deindustrialisation in the 70s and 80s. Tragically she died in poverty aged only 56 and Paul Sng’s essential film follows a journey of discovery about her led by her daughter Ella.