Tue 4th June, 8:49am
What’s prison really like? An eloquent and powerfully affecting interactive spoken word performance by ex-offenders, plus Q&A.
The 6th annual edition of Chapel FM’s literature-on-the-radio festival features the work of more than 100 writers from across Yorkshire. The theme for this year is Vision: seeing different futures, dreaming dream, in the blink of an eye – what do we see, what don’t we notice, what might the future look like?
Tue 4th June, 8:49am
What’s prison really like? An eloquent and powerfully affecting interactive spoken word performance by ex-offenders, plus Q&A.
Tue 4th June, 8:26am
Nick Ellerby, from Oasis School of Human Relations, is quizzed by young activists from Chapel FM about his vision for the future
Mon 3rd June, 2:12am
Lydia Allison leads a writing workshop themed around Vision. Open to all ages 12 and over.
Mon 3rd June, 2:12am
The blanket is a birthday present, a love story, a fifty year old memoir and a revelation. From Jane Kite
Mon 3rd June, 2:12am
The Performance Ensemble tell us in poetry, dance and song how the world looks from an older perspective. Art with the wisdom of experience
Mon 3rd June, 2:12am
D3 and Sarah Autumn present a Live version of this monthly spoken word show