When & where

  • DateFriday 6th Mar '20
  • Time5:30pm to 10:00pm
  • WhereChapel FM Arts Centre Map


This event has finished so tickets are no longer available.

Accessibility criteria*

  • Accessible car-parking
  • Induction Loop available
  • Wheelchair access

* Other Access Details available on request

Chapel FM is proud to be part of Leeds Lit Festival 2020.

Here’s a list of what will be happening on Friday, March 6th as part of our celebration of International Women’s Day:

Song-Writing Workshop at 5:30pm

Join Denetta as she puts spoken word with music in this amazing international womens day workshop with an opportunity to perform during the performance at 7:30pm

Performances start at 7:30pm

Emma McKee is a Feminist singer and guitar player, influenced by political folk, early Blues women and punk rock.

Leeds Animation Workshop will screen several of their remarkable short films about women’s roles in society.

Denetta a hiphop artist famously known as D3 who will be performing along side any of the participants of the workshop who also wish to perform.

Vicky Foster a poet living and working in Hull. As well as performing all over, she delivers writing and performance workshops, and is founder of the monthly event Women of Words. Her work has featured widely on BBC Radio 4 and 6.

Lunar-Ci: Hymn to the Moon is a sonic response to Luke Jerram’s artwork, Museum Of The Moon. Using fragments of poetry, verbatim testimony, specially commissioned songs and improvised vocals, Charlie Wells and Jacqui Wicks create a narrative that explores our relationship with the moon.

Tickets for the event can be purchased by clicking the link provided below (Pay as you feel)
