The Swan Song Project Live
A special concert celebrating the songs written over the first year of The Swan Song Project.
When & where
- DateWednesday 18th Apr '18
- Time3:00pm to 5:00pm
- WhereChapel FM Arts Centre Map
- View on Facebook
This event has finished so tickets are no longer available.
Accessibility criteria*
- Accessible car-parking
- Induction Loop available
- Wheelchair access
* Other Access Details available on request
The Swan Song Project gives peoples facing end of life and bereavement the opportunity to write and record an original song.
The project began at Marie Curie Hospice in Bradford in May 2017 and has been incredibly popular. You can find out more about the origins and philosophy of the project in the feature on our news pages.
On April 18th co-ordinator Ben Slack (who is also one of the people behind Chapel FM’s very own Blind Dead McRadio Show) is putting on an event at Chapel FM featuring the songs and the stories from the first year of the Swan Song Project. You are welcome to attend although, in true Chapel FM fashion, we will be streaming the whole event live on our website and our facebook site…
How the Swan Song project works...
What is The Swan Song Project?
Here's a little video I made about The Swan Song Project, How it began and How it works. Including a few snippets of songs written so far during the project and quotes from participants.
Posted by The Swan Song Project on Tuesday, 13 February 2018