Course details

Come join the drumming circle…
An opportunity to share our skills, learning from others and exploring our creative side in a safe and zero-judgement environment.
Everyone welcome. No prior musical skills required.
Drummin’ Around takes place on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 pm, a weekly opportunity to make music together.

Term 1: Tues 8th Feb – Tues 22nd March

Term 2: Tues 19th April -Tues 24th May


Please Register Your Interest in the form below. If for some reason it’s not working then please email your interest to

Register your interest

    [group group-self] [/group] [group group-other] [/group]

    Course info


    Every Wednesday 2 - 3pm


    FREE (donations welcome)

    Venue details

    Address for The Chapel:
    1081 York Road
    West Yorkshire
    LS14 6JB

    Phone: 0113 22 55 944

    Accessibility criteria*

    • Accessible car-parking

    * Other Access Details available on request