Over the course of this year, Chapel FM Arts Centre will be working with lots of people and groups from our community and across Leeds and West Yorkshire to gather stories about the many ways we are all linked to the wider world.
We will then produce live arts events, festivals, community forums, radio shows, soundscapes, audio archives, campaigns for social change, and much more. See below for some details of what’s coming up.
- Radio Workshop on The Art of the Interview on Saturday, February 1st from 11am to 2pm Click here to register
- Record your own “Global Connections” story. Book a slot here or come by Chapel FM and talk to a member of our staff Click here to book a story-sharing slot
- Join one of our radio, music, writing, tech, food or other courses Click here for a list
Bonjour Lille! (Easter Half-Term 7-12 April) – We’ll be hosting young people and musicians from our twin city of Lille, France and in particular, Seacroft’s Sibling Suburb there, Moulins. Stay tuned for details.
Musicathon (2nd May) – Our annual festival of every imaginable type of music packed into a single day, this year with a special “Goes Global” focus.
Seacroft Goes Global Open House (Launching 19th July and running until December) – Chapel FM Arts Centre and other venues across Seacroft will be transformed into a global market-place & corner shops full of objects, songs, recipes, and stories about our global connections.
Writing on Air Festival (November & December) – Two weeks of original wordy works for radio and live audiences. Theme to-be-announced this spring.