When & where

  • DateSunday 4th Dec '22
  • Time3:00pm to 5:00pm
  • WhereChapel FM Arts Centre Map


This event has finished so tickets are no longer available.

Tadhamon Choir
The singers are fresh from a solidarity visit from Sheffield to Palestine in October. They travelled around the West Bank, visited projects and met many community activists, witnessing first-hand the brutality of life under Israeli occupation. They sang wherever they went. They will share their songs and discuss what they learnt.

Tour Wadi Hilweh, Silwan 18mins
Sahar Abassi is a community activist and Deputy Director of the Madaa-Silwan Creative Centre She gives us a personal tour of the Silwan neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, where an art project with Art Forces from the USA reinforces local resistance to the ethnic cleansing of the neighbourhood.