When & where

  • FromThu 21st Mar '19, 10:00am
  • UntilSun 24th Mar '19, 6:30pm
  • WhereChapel FM Arts Centre Map
  • View on Facebook

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  • Accessible car-parking
  • Induction Loop available
  • Wheelchair access

* Other Access Details available on request

Writing On Air’19 is a one-of-a-kind broadcast festival of original writing.

Happening over four days, Thursday 21st-Sunday 24th March, at Chapel FM Arts Centre, our beautiful state-of-the-art studio and performance complex in a restored Methodist Chapel, WOA ’19 will be even bigger than before, with over 60 programmes on the theme of Hearing The Voice.

Whose voices are loudest in our society? Whose voices don’t get heard? What are the voices we hear inside our heads? How do we find our own voice? This year, there will be a foretaste of WOA in the inaugural Leeds Lit Fest earlier in March.

Apart from being a literature festival on the radio, what makes WOA different is that all the programmes are conceived and created by writers and readers themselves. Join us for readings, interviews, discussions, open mic, documentaries, workshops, radio drama and more!

Have a look at the full schedule for the whole four days… or you can see each day’s schedules below.

Visit the WOA Show Page where all the programmes will be hosted for live listening and listen again.

Photo by Joanna Sedgwick

Thoughts from writers involved in previous WOA festivals...

Last year's Writing on Air festival involved around 200 local, regional, and international writers, readers, and performers. Apart from its being broadcast on the radio, what makes WOA distinctive as a literature festival is that all the programmes are conceived and created by writers and readers themselves.

Have a listen to some of our regular words-based shows and programmes from Writing on Air '18