Wordybirds July 1, 2020 – Part 2
Wed 1st Jul '20, 12:30pm
An edition of Radio Free Kinsley, from Jimmy Andrex and Pascha Taylor. Thanks to Jimmy for all his many and varied contributions to Wordybirds.
A collection of stories, poems, essays and other literary treats presented on East Leeds FM broadcast as part of our "Keeping a Distance, Staying Close" broadcasts. Curated by Peter Spafford.
Wed 1st Jul '20, 12:30pm
An edition of Radio Free Kinsley, from Jimmy Andrex and Pascha Taylor. Thanks to Jimmy for all his many and varied contributions to Wordybirds.
Wed 1st Jul '20, 11:00am
A poem by young poet Maya Allen from Canterbury about heritage and identity, plus Big Onion, Small Fry, a poem by James Fernie. Thanks to James for contributing so much material!
Tue 30th Jun '20, 12:30pm
The Last True King of England, a short story by Otley writer and sheep farmer Stephanie Shields.
Mon 29th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Peter Spafford introduces the third in his series of 8 Song Portraits of older people in the city. Song Portraits is a project funded by Leeds Inspired.
Mon 29th Jun '20, 11:00am
Harald’s Yard, a story by P.J.Quinn read by our redoubtable reader Pam Hilton. Thanks to Pam for reading over 75 pieces of writing over the lockdown period.
Fri 26th Jun '20, 12:30pm
The Show of a Lifetime, a story by Roz Kendall read by Pam Hilton. Plus Wild, Says Who?, a story from Glasgow by James Fernie.
Fri 26th Jun '20, 11:00am
A poem by Kathleen Strafford, My Cat, followed by This is Our Night by Laura Potts.
Thu 25th Jun '20, 12:30pm
A story by Steve Pease, Drive In Saturday, read by Paul Mckendrick. And a poem about celandines and the sun by Pauline Kirk, read by Pam Hilton.
Thu 25th Jun '20, 11:00am
Teresa Neli, Irish poet, reads two poignant poems: I Will Have Wings, and Renewal. Plus Visions Before Midnight by Clive James, read by Jimmy Andrex.
Wed 24th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Irish poet Teresa Neli reads three tender poems: Sonnet for Chris, Duet, and Elements of Love.
Wed 24th Jun '20, 11:00am
Two poems by Pauline Kirk read by Pam Hilton: Brief Magic and Bindweed, followed by Dangling Delights, a story by Stephanie Shields.
Tue 23rd Jun '20, 12:30pm
Peter Spafford introduces the second in his series of Song Portraits of older people in Leeds during lockdown: Happy Disposition.
Tue 23rd Jun '20, 11:00am
A touching and reflective piece from Jimmy Andrex, You’ll Never Walk Alone.
Mon 22nd Jun '20, 12:30pm
The Colleague Who Came to Stay, a story by Linda Casper read by Pam Hilton, and The Old School by Pauline Kirk, also read by Pam Hilton.
Mon 22nd Jun '20, 11:00am
On Lady Lane, a story by Steph Shields; plus the first in a series of true stories titled Finchy, Tink, Skinner and Bub by Tony Abbott from a Yorkshire pit village in the 1950’s.
Fri 19th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Two poems from James Fernie, his own A Day in the Life of Kirkstall Abbey, followed by one from Billy Collins, Bar Time.
Fri 19th Jun '20, 11:00am
Milner House, a poem by Alison Faye; Shed, a story by Pam Line; and Dead Cert, a story by Roz Kendall.
Thu 18th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Pam Hilton reads Overboard, a story by regular Deli contributor, Ann Clarke.
Thu 18th Jun '20, 11:00am
Kathleen Strafford, with a tribute to the poet Shelley and his wife Mary, plus a poem by Laura Potts, Sweet Autumn.
Wed 17th Jun '20, 12:30pm
A tune from Owen Spafford on his merry fiddle, followed by an excerpt from the book, Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman, read by its greatest admirer, Jimmy Andrex.
Wed 17th Jun '20, 11:00am
Etcetera, short fiction by Pauline Kirk, read by our reader in chief, Pam Hilton.
Tue 16th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Peter Spafford with the first of a series of Song Portraits: an introduction to the project and the song itself, Exuberant Personality.
Tue 16th Jun '20, 11:00am
Two stories from Found Fiction read by Sophie Jane: Portrait of an Unknown Woman, and Maybe Its Me by Katie Lodge.
Mon 15th Jun '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex and Pascha Taylor storm back with Episode 8 of Radio Free Kinsley.
Fri 12th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Jimmy Andrex reads Number 10 in the series 52 Most Depressing Songs by Tom Reynolds. This one features Loretta Lynn on prison.
Fri 12th Jun '20, 11:00am
Part 3 of Alison Deering’s story about the 89 year old Milly under lockdown.
Thu 11th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Part 2 of The Rocking Horse, a story by Martin Thomasson.
Thu 11th Jun '20, 11:00am
Kathleen Strafford with a poem, Amelia and Archie, followed by Part 2 of Alison Deering’s story about the redoubtable Milly.
Wed 10th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Kathleen Strafford with a poem, In The Photo; and Alison Deering with Part 1 of a moving story about age and resistance centring on the character of Millie.
Wed 10th Jun '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex reads Part 1 of Vox Pop, his witty and engaging history of 1970’s popular poetry.
Tue 9th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Night Shift, a spooky tale from Ann Clarke, read by Pam Hilton.
Tue 9th Jun '20, 11:00am
Lawn Sun, a poem by Otley poet Barsa Ray, plus an original poem by Keith Fenton, and Part 1 of Rocking Horse by Lancashire writer Martin Thomasson.
Mon 8th Jun '20, 12:30pm
A poem, Elderberry Wine, by Pauline Kirk and read by Pam Hilton, followed by a story from East Leeds FM storyteller Vickie Orton.
Mon 8th Jun '20, 11:00am
Two stories from innovative literature organisation Found Fiction: Inside Out by Grace, and Simulacra by Nicky Renee, read by Devon Johnson.
Fri 5th Jun '20, 12:00pm
Rachael Unsworth reads from Aldo Leopold’s vivid nature writing.
Fri 5th Jun '20, 11:00am
Rachael Unsworth, from Leeds City Walking Tours, reads John Clare’s eloquent and moving poem, The Nightingale’s Nest.
Thu 4th Jun '20, 12:30pm
Paul McKendrick, of music fame, turns his hand to the pen with Pooh Has a Spot of Bother, a wry modern take on the classic A.A.Milne.
Thu 4th Jun '20, 11:00am
Nicky Bray gives us a song, Too Many Chords. And a short fiction from Neville Judson, Little Angels.
Wed 3rd Jun '20, 12:00pm
James Fernie reads the poignant poem, The First Dream, by Billy Collins. And Pam Hilton reads two poems, Cripplesyke and Bronte Bridge, by York poet, Pauline Kirk.
Wed 3rd Jun '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex gives us a take on the poet Pam Ayres in his series Vox Pop about poets of the Seventies.
Tue 2nd Jun '20, 12:30pm
Rachael Unsworth from Leeds City Walking Tours reads a favourite extract from the writings of Aldo Leopold, the great environmental author, about Canada Geese.
Tue 2nd Jun '20, 11:00am
Pearls of Wisdom, a story by Roz Kendall, and Continuity, a poem by Pauline Kirk read by our reader-in-chief Pam Hilton.
Mon 1st Jun '20, 12:00pm
Short stories by Steve Clarkson and Tom Sharpe from the fabulous Leeds writing project Found Fiction, read by Calum Shikel.
Mon 1st Jun '20, 11:00am
Rachael Unsworth reads To a Skylark by PB Shelley, and Irene Lofthouse returns with Gabriel.
Mon 1st Jun '20, 11:00am
Raining in Morecambe, a poem from Chris Deering, and Little Read Riding Hood by Neville Judson, read by Irene Lofthouse.
Fri 29th May '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex reads The End, from The 52 Most Depressing Songs Ever by Tom Reynolds.
Thu 28th May '20, 12:30pm
Deli contributor Keith Fenton reads Sovereign, another well-loved monologue by Marriott Edgar.
Thu 28th May '20, 11:00am
Stories and poetry by three talented young writers from The Writing Squad, compiled by Charlotte Carrick.
Wed 27th May '20, 12:30pm
James Fernie reads Purity by his favourite American poet, Billy Collins.
Wed 27th May '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex reads Artificial Flowers, from The 52 Most Depressing Songs Ever by Tom Reynolds.
Tue 26th May '20, 12:30pm
A poem, Watchman, by the Wakefield poet and presenter of ELFM’s Poetry Nook, Laura Potts, and a tune from Owen Spafford on the fiddle.
Mon 25th May '20, 11:00am
Three poems from Pauline Kirk: Her Youth, Hot Night in Burley Road, and Metamorphosis, read by Pam Hilton. And a story, Jonathan Jo, by Stephanie Shields.
Thu 21st May '20, 12:30pm
Two poems, Free Offer and Hats, by Pauline Kirk read by Pam Hilton, followed by a Marriot Edgar monologue, Goalkeeper Joe, read by Keith Fenton.
Thu 21st May '20, 11:00am
A poem for our times from James Fernie, Bag Lady Blues, and a merry tune from Owen on his fiddle.
Wed 20th May '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex and Pascha Taylor present another monumental instalment of essential crisis listening, Radio Free Kinsley.
Tue 19th May '20, 12:30pm
Martin Thomasson, Bolton playwright, reads How Auntie Nora Helped Uncle Ben Win The War. And Pam Hilton reads her poem, Not Cleaning Windows, a lockdown classic!
Tue 19th May '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex returns with another extract from The 52 Most Depressing Songs Ever by Tom Reynolds. This time it’s Total Eclipse of The Heart….
Mon 18th May '20, 12:30pm
Chris Deering with a poem, Archives, about old photographs and family ties, plus From Caitlin, a poem from Wakefield poet Laura Potts.
Mon 18th May '20, 11:00am
Martin Thomasson, Bolton playwright, reads the first in a series of reminisences, The Lost Art of Conducting Buses. Plus a short story, The Surprise, from Linda Casper.
Fri 15th May '20, 12:30pm
A moving poem about loss in the time of corona, by young Sheffield writer Grace Darbs.
Fri 15th May '20, 11:00am
An extract from the novel Snow by Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk read by James Fernie, and a tune from merry fiddler Owen Spafford.
Thu 14th May '20, 12:30pm
A short story about waking up one morning as the American President: The Red Button, by Kirklees writer Chris Deering.
Thu 14th May '20, 11:00am
Wildebeest, a new song by Hugh Nankivell in his series about imaginary walks with his friend Rick set in corona crisis Torquay. Plus a poem by Pauline Kirk, read by Pam Hilton.
Wed 13th May '20, 12:30pm
North Face of Soho, an extract from the autobiographical writing of Clive James read by his greatest fan Jimmy Andrex.
Wed 13th May '20, 11:00am
If Yorkshire writer Emily Bronte was alive today, we would have featured her on ELFM - but here's a poem Ann Clarke, inspired by Wuthering Heights and then a story by Emma Storr.
Tue 12th May '20, 12:30pm
Crossing The Beck, a story by Pauline Kirk and read by ELFM Reader in Residence, Pam Hilton. And a story, Lover and Lass, from first time Wordybirds contributor, Stephanie Shields.
Tue 12th May '20, 11:00am
A poem, Tippo The Time Lord, by York-resident poet and novelist Pauline Kirk. Plus another touching memory story, My Name isn’t Allan Clarke, from Jimmy Andrex.
Mon 11th May '20, 12:30pm
A Ramsbottom Family monologue: The Battle of Hastings, read by Keith Fenton, with a poem called Swansea Son by young Wakefield bard, Laura Potts.
Mon 11th May '20, 11:00am
From Hugh Nankivell: A Song for Mary, or Musical Hug, a musical hug for us all to send to people we are not currently able to hug in person. Plus a poem from Irene Lofthouse.
Fri 8th May '20, 11:00am
Part 4 of Radio Free Kinsley with Joyce Grenfell in an update of the teacher sketch presented by regular and much-prized East Leeds FM writers, Jimmy Andrex and Pascha Taylor.
Thu 7th May '20, 12:30pm
A poem, Photographs, by Laura Potts and a song from Hugh Nankivell, Rick and The Lion, the latest in his series about imaginary walks in South Devon with his friend Rick.
Thu 7th May '20, 11:00am
Pam Hilton reads a wry story by first time Wordybirds contributor Joyce M. King about the underside of life in a residential home.
Wed 6th May '20, 12:00pm
Pam Hilton reads a story by regular Deli contributor Linda Casper, A Close Shave, plus a tune on the fiddle from seventeen year old Owen Spafford.
Wed 6th May '20, 10:30am
If you know Albert And The Lion, you will love Keith Fenton reading a Ramsbottom Family monologue, Asparagus. Plus an enchanting story from ELFM resident storyteller Vickie Orton.
Tue 5th May '20, 11:00am
Another fairy tale updated to the twenty first century by Geoff Reiss, Aladdin, read by Owain Shaw.
Mon 4th May '20, 12:30pm
James Fernie gives us an elegy about unwelcome change in his East Leeds neighbourhood, The Sounds of Progress, and a poem by Irene Lofthouse.
Mon 4th May '20, 11:00am
The latest song, Camels, from Hugh Nankivell in his imaginary ‘walks with Rick’ sequence, and a lyrical spring poem, Cherry Blossom, from Ilkley poet J.Y.Saville.
Fri 24th Apr '20, 12:00pm
Radio Free Kinsley is back with more breaking, broken and breakable news presented by Pascha Taylor and Jimmy Andrex.
Fri 24th Apr '20, 11:00am
Another instalment in Hugh Nankivell's series of songs about imaginary walks (this time going to spot a cheetah disguised as a rhinoceros) and a story "The Tree" by Irene Lofthouse
Thu 23rd Apr '20, 12:00pm
Wakefield poet Laura Potts gives us a poem, Morning on the Water, and songwriter Nicky Bray sings a life-affirming song, Live and Learn.
Thu 23rd Apr '20, 10:30am
A story by Emma Storr about going on her first bird-watching expedition, followed by the latest poem in her Leeds series by Julia Deakin.
Wed 22nd Apr '20, 12:00pm
A witty and observant story, From Whitby to Wonderland, by Brian Williams of Holmfirth.
Wed 22nd Apr '20, 10:30am
Doug Sandle, poet and expert on visual puzzles, reads another touching tale about his childhood involving Leeds-born female bandleader Ivy Benson.
Tue 21st Apr '20, 12:00pm
Songwriter Hugh Nankivell sings a brand new ditty about an imaginary walk in Devon with his friend Rick and James Fernie reads a poignant story, Romance is All at Sea.
Tue 21st Apr '20, 10:30am
Doug Sandle, poet and expert on the psychology of vision, reads a touching reminiscence about his father.
Mon 20th Apr '20, 12:00pm
Emma Storr reads a selection of her animal poems and Hugh Nankivell sings the latest song in his series about imaginary walks in locked down Torquay: Silverbacks.
Mon 20th Apr '20, 10:30am
Writer and actor Irene Lofthouse reads an eerie story of her own, Cat and Mouse.
Fri 17th Apr '20, 12:00pm
A new feature, Radio Free Kinsley, created by Pascha Taylor and Jimmy Andrex featuring very local and loco news updates.
Fri 17th Apr '20, 11:00am
Laura Potts reads a story "The Bramble Lands" followed by a song by Hugh Nankivell about an imaginary walk and a poem by Helen Burke.
Mon 13th Apr '20, 11:30am
Featuring a tale about a song gone viral by Jimmy Andrex, a poem about "world famous statue" (The Brick Man) that was never built by Julia Deakin and a cat story by Monica Dickson.
Mon 13th Apr '20, 10:30am
Jimmy Andrex reads a story by Ian McMillan, Pam Hilton shares a radio-inspired poem by Wendy Cope, a poem about birth by Gill Lambert and a fiddle tune by Owen Spafford.
Mon 6th Apr '20, 11:00am
Pam Hilton reads a poem by Roger McGough, a poem set to music by Nick Toczek and James Fernie reads a tale "My Brother's Keeper."
Mon 6th Apr '20, 10:00am
The story "In the Picture" by Ian McMillan and James Fernie reads a tale about his childhood in Glasgow "Cornerstones."
Fri 27th Mar '20, 11:00am
Jimmy Andrex's latest instalment of "52 Most Depressing Songs" with Send in the Clowns and an Irish fiddle tune by Owen Spafford.
Fri 27th Mar '20, 10:00am
A poem by Roger McGough, the story "Excluded" by Ian McMillan and a poem by Wendy Cope.