The Yorkshire Lads Find their Frequency
Thu 20th Feb '20, 6:49pm
The Yorkshire lads presents a show of interviews, music and chat as a culmination of their work on the Find Your Frequency course
Find Your Frequency is our adult learning course that explores different aspects of radio production. At the end of the course participants produce their own radio show, which you can listen to here
Every so often!
When: Show schedule currently unknown
Thu 20th Feb '20, 6:49pm
The Yorkshire lads presents a show of interviews, music and chat as a culmination of their work on the Find Your Frequency course
Tue 18th Feb '20, 4:17pm
Kim Birch hosts a show about his spiritual journey and picks the music
Tue 18th Feb '20, 4:10pm
An original children's story written by Kim Birch performed as a radio play
Mon 12th Nov '18, 3:00pm
Lindsey Steward is joined by rapper D5, who discusses his career and pathways into music
Mon 12th Nov '18, 2:00pm
Trev Underwood discusses the topical issue of men's mental health with his guest and friend Daz Northfield
Mon 12th Nov '18, 12:00pm
Nobuhle Kweyama presents a selection of music from her home continent, Africa