Bridges Not Borders
Yesterday, 7:00pm
The Bridges Not Borders team bring you an evening of live interviews, stories, poetry & music to celebrate & share the lives of refugees.
Have a look through our past programmes to listen or watch again. You can even filter the results to find the kind of programmes you're particularly interested in.
Media available soon!
ProgrammeYesterday, 7:00pm
The Bridges Not Borders team bring you an evening of live interviews, stories, poetry & music to celebrate & share the lives of refugees.
Fri 24th Jan '25, 7:30pm
Chapel FM brings you there annual Burns Night, a Celebration of the legendary poet and lyricist, Robert Burns.
Media available soon!
ProgrammeWed 18th Dec '24, 6:00pm
Our regular open mic for performers age 25 and younger. We welcome new participants who want to perform music, spoken word, theatre, or other arts.
Media available soon!
ProgrammeSat 23rd Nov '24, 5:30pm
Pitanga is an instrumental trio which focuses on Brazilian and other Latin American music, with influences from flamenco, jazz, and classical guitar.
Tue 5th Nov '24, 7:30pm
The future hangs in the balance! What will survive from our culture when an angry revolution rises up to sweep away the people and ideas considered enemies?
Media available soon!
ProgrammeWed 23rd Oct '24, 6:00pm
Our regular open mic for performers age 25 and younger. We welcome new participants who want to perform music, spoken word, theatre, or other arts.
Sun 16th Jun '24, 5:00pm
Poet Lydia Kennaway and musician Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne present ‘… a form of contemporary metaphysical poem where scientific and technological vocabularies are brought into the
Sat 15th Jun '24, 8:00pm
Come and read a book aloud with other volunteer readers in Chapel FM’s beautiful radio theatre.
Sat 15th Jun '24, 8:00pm
Come and read a book aloud with other volunteer readers in Chapel FM’s beautiful radio theatre.
Wed 12th Jun '24, 7:00pm
Does Leeds adequately support its emerging organisers, young writers, writers from under-represented communities?
Sat 11th May '24, 3:00pm
Join us for a festive community forum, broadcast live on the radio, about plans to bring the buses of West Yorkshire back under public control along with music, poetry, performance
Media available soon!
ProgrammeFri 3rd May '24, 7:30pm
A diverse evening of music, poetry and readings from and for Palestine
Fri 29th Mar '24, 6:00pm
Chapel FM's unique open mic series for young performers age 25 or younger. This month, we are joined by LS18 Rocks and we welcome new participants.
Fri 15th Mar '24, 7:30pm
In celebration with the Irish Arts Foundation. The forgotten history of Irish communities in Leeds. Talks, live music & food.
Sat 9th Mar '24, 7:00pm
Come join Chapel FM as we celebrate International Women's Day, with 2 full days of conversations, crafts and community forums.
Fri 8th Mar '24, 11:00am
Join us for part one of our broadcast celebrating International Women's Day. We discuss how safe we feel on our streets & roads as women.
Fri 8th Mar '24, 7:30pm
A night of performances from recovering addicts, a Q+A/discussion, and an open mic on theme
Fri 8th Mar '24, 11:00am
Join us for part two of our broadcast celebrating International Women's Day. We chat about the ways in which our world is all but designed for women.
Fri 8th Mar '24, 11:00am
Join us for part three of our broadcast celebrating International Women's Day. We discuss the world of menstruation & whether women are heard when it comes to periods.
Fri 8th Mar '24, 11:00am
Join us for part four of our broadcast celebrating International Women's Day. We are talking everything from finding your roots, taking care of yourself & all about the project.
Media available soon!
ProgrammeFri 23rd Feb '24, 7:30pm
Got a new instrument over the holidays? Want to try your new selection of poetry, juggle on live radio? Come down to the Chapel FM
Wed 7th Feb '24, 6:00pm
Blue Owl Young Persons Open Mic returns for the first show of 2024
Fri 26th Jan '24, 7:30pm
Burns night returns to Chapel FM! A wonderful evening celebration of the Scottish poet & lyricist Robert Burns
Wed 20th Dec '23, 6:00pm
Blue Owl Young Persons Open Mic returns for the final performance of the year
Media available soon!
ProgrammeFri 27th Oct '23, 7:30pm
Blue Owl Young Persons Open Mic returns for there first showcase of the new term, come down and watch or be part of the performance.
Wed 25th Oct '23, 6:00pm
Blue Owl Young Persons Open Mic returns for there first showcase of the new term, come down and watch or be part of the performance.
Fri 21st Jul '23, 7:30pm
Join us for an informal script-in-hand performance of this new audio play by award-winning writer SJ Bradley.
Fri 14th Jul '23, 7:30pm
Poetry, Jazz, Painting: As part of Leeds Poetry Festival & ELFM 20, Chapel FM hosts resident Dortmund artist Linn Schiffmann and Leeds poet Dalton Harrison
Wed 17th May '23, 6:00pm
Created by young people and for young people, the Blue Owl open mic is open to everyone 25 and under!
Media available soon!
ProgrammeFri 21st Apr '23, 7:15pm
The Cahun Collective is an LGBTQ+ Yorkshire based activist organisation, and they are putting on an activism based Open Mic Night!