Course details

“ Chapel FM—it’s a place to try new things and meet people”  Lanre, 16

Chapel FM is running another series of creative courses for young people from East Leeds.

Chapel FM’s Next Generation Youth Programme starts officially this November 2020, but its never too late to register your interest and get involved…

Our weekly courses run from 5 – 7pm, for 3 terms – currently on ZOOM

Term #1: November 9th – December 14th
Live Fridays Broadcasts this term: starting at 5pm / 20th Nov, 4th Dec & 18th Dec

Term #2: January 11th – February 22nd
Suggested Broadcast dates to be confirmed: 29th Jan, 12th Feb & 26th Feb

March | There are no planned weekly sessions in March, however during this month we will host a variety of activities/events linked with the Chapel Re-Opening. We will discuss what involvement young people will have in the new year.

Term #3: April 12th – May 24th
Suggested Broadcast dates to be confirmed: 30th Apr, 14th May & 28th May


Next Gen Foundation / 11+

Tuesdays: Starting Tuesday 10th Nov – 15th Dec / 5 – 7pm

Ran by Katy Hayley & Peter Spafford, with guest Artists

This course is for young people who are fairly new to Chapel FM and who want to take part in a variety of activities. We will cover all the creative elements that Chapel FM offers such as writing, music, theatre and, of course, all parts of broadcasting, from interviewing to show planning and presenting. The facilitators will enable you to try a host of new things. However, you will always have the chance to develop in the areas you are most interested in.

Next Gen Broadcasting / 12+

Wednesdays: Starting Wednesday 11th Nov – 16th Dec / 5 – 7pm

Ran by Tony Macaluso, with guest interviewees

A weekly course for young people who want to focus predominantly on all aspects of broadcasting. You can expect to interview, edit audio, plan shows and features. All content and practical activities will be working towards our live RED KITE broadcasts.

Next Gen Music / 12+

Thursdays: Starting Thursday 12th Nov – 17th Dec / 5 – 7pm

Ran by Sian Ashby, with guest artists

Whether you play an instrument or sing, this course is for young people who have a level of musical understanding. You will explore many aspects of music like writing, composition, technical applications, interviews with artists, topical discussions and much more.

Working In Person – As soon as we return to our renovated home at Chapel FM Arts & Media Centre we will be organising small in person group sessions, following Covid 19 safety measures. We will also be looking at more socially distanced walks around the area, hopefully starting with a Winter Walk in December.

LIVE Broadcasts – Content created during by young people as part of their sessions will be used during our LIVE RED KITE broadcasts.

You can listen live on the night at

All episodes will be uploaded to the website and also onto Podcast platforms. 

We recommend the following which can be used on Apple and Android devices:


We offer all participants the chance to work on a nationally accredited Bronze Arts Award qualification as a starting point. Older young people who already have a Bronze and who are dedicated to putting in the time, can ask to work on a Silver award, finally leading to a Gold. The Arts Award is based around developing leadership skills, sharing their experiences and reviewing the work they take part in and develop. It’s a great addition to your CV and shows personal development in the Arts for college and further education applications. Its also a great way to collate your learning journey.

Course Donations

If you would like to make a donation towards the running of our courses then please follow this link:

We suggest a contribution of £30 which covers the cost of the Arts Award moderation.      

If you would like to send a cheque, please make it payable to Heads Together Productions at Chapel FM Arts Centre, Old Seacroft Chapel, 1081 York Road, LS14 6JB

For more information contact ChapelFM on 0113 22 55 944 or fill out the form below…

Register your interest

    [group group-self] [/group] [group group-other] [/group]

    Course info


    Each course runs one night a week between 5pm and 7pm / ON ZOOM for now...


    Suggested donation of £30 / £1.50 per session

    Venue details

    Address for The Chapel:
    1081 York Road
    West Yorkshire
    LS14 6JB

    Phone: 0113 22 55 944

    Accessibility criteria*

    • Accessible car-parking
    • Individual Learner Support
    • Support for visual impairments
    • Wheelchair access

    * Other Access Details available on request

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