What FM frequency are you on?

Well we are not at the moment. Over the years we have run time-limited ‘Restricted Service Licences’ when we have broadcast on FM for short periods of a week or two at a time. But generally we have been using the internet to broadcast.

But…be warned! We have been offered a full-time community radio licence by OFCOM. We are currently considering whether this is an option we want to take up.  Of course we will continue to broadcast through the website as well and archive all our programmes so you can listen again whenever you want.

Fancy coming on board as one of our volunteer broadcasters? Get involved!


When does ELFM broadcast?

At the moment we broadcast every Tuesday and Friday evenings as well as the second and fourth Sundays of the month. We also do three broadcast festivals a year where we are on air continually: the 24-hour musicathon in December; our Writing on Air festival in March and our No Bystanders broadcast festival in August.

But…be warned! We have been awarded a full-time community radio licence by OFCOM so by the end of 2019 we will be broadcasting every day… Fancy coming on board as one of our volunteer broadcasters? Get involved!


Listening live to ELFM

When we are broadcasting live on ELFM, you can listen wherever you are on the Chapel FM website.

You will notice that the in the top grey bar (next to the Book Now button) there will be a <Listen Now> button (rather than a greyed out Off Air). Click the Listen Now button and a window will pop up from the bottom of the page with details of the programme being played and also access to the commenting system and ways to share the programme.

Go to the ELFM Player for details of the schedule of programmes coming up over the next seven days  and full details of any live programmes coming up.

And if you are listening to the stream and a new programme starts, then a button will appear at the top of the page telling you that if you click on the button to <Reload Page>; “A new programme has started. To listen or find out more…”.

If you do reload the page and click on <Listen Now> again you will be able to see all the details and listen to the new programme.



What about listening on third party apps?

We are currently listed on two third party apps—TuneIn which you can use on most mobile devices and Radioline which is also available on the Virgin Media V6 digital box so you can listen through your television set up if you have one.

On both platforms just search for “East Leeds FM” and then click on Play. Obviously it will only work when we are streaming audio (currently Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays). You can also make East Leeds FM a favourite so you can quickly access the station in the future.

If there are other apps or services that you use, let us know so that we can make sure ELFM is available there too.


How do I listen to a programme that I missed?

Almost everything we broadcast is available for listen again. There are a number of options to find a particular listen again:

  1. You can see all our latest programmes by scrolling down our ELFM Player page
  2. You can go through to our full archive on our Programmes page. There you can search by genre (type of programme)
  3. You can search by programme name in the search bar at the top right of each page of the website
  4. Or if you know it’s one of our regular shows e.g. Love the Words; you can visit it’s Show Page where you can access all the different episodes/programmes and find out other information about the show

Once you find the programme you want to listen to…just click on the play button and a little banner will display at the bottom of your screen and the programme will start playing.