Explore Chapel FM...

“It’s a part of our history that people are really unaware of. For anyone who’s interested in human rights, it’s an important story that’s not been told before.”


Business Networking #66: Self-Care is Not a Luxury as a Business Owner

Yesterday, 3:00pm

As a business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a company. However, amidst the chaos, it's essential to remember that self-care is a necessity.

I’m looking forward to engaging with my first coaching session and following up on the intellectual and conceptual leads that have been presented to me in Seacroft…

Darts is surprisingly interesting!


We Are Seacroft #6

Yesterday, 1:00pm

Stories about wellbeing, craft, and other groups in Seacroft created by Being You Leeds / Touchstone . Also, an important story about detecting and surviving cancer by Lily Woods.


ELCR Discovery #30

Yesterday, 2:00pm

Jamie Carnie is back with the best new local music. Expect anything from metal to hip hop and everything in between!


Vandal Factory #23: Decorated with Solidarity

Yesterday, 8:00pm

Featuring Red Ladder's We're Not Going Back, a powerful play about Women Against Pit Closures. Argentinian artists Florencia and Clare discuss how they collaborated with scientists

Thanks to our funders (click on the panel for more information)